Friday, January 8, 2016

Making 2016 Matter: Blogging Resolutions

I may be a little late in sharing these a few days already into the year and it may seem like you've read tons of similar "resolutions" publications lately, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, and that is exactly how I felt when it came to sharing with you what I have planned and what I hope I can achieve with blogging this year. Needless to say, blogging has become a huge part of me to the point that sometimes it is all I can talk about with family and friends (#sorrynotsorry). It has opened many opportunities for me in such a little space of time that I will treasure for the many years yet to come, and because of the support, exposure and feedback which so far have been nothing but positive, I dream only of bigger and better things for the future. 

Social Media
The aim here is not to gain number of followers or likes but rather share more of my passions for whoever wants to see them, blogging related or not. In the past, the thought of exposing myself in such way was daunting, I did not think anybody would be interested in knowing what I was wearing on a specific day or what latest make-up look I was rocking. Today, I am much more carefree and engaging, something that resulted in a rise of followers especially on Instagram and Twitter and that was not even the intention behind it.

I don’t want to be another fashion blogger out there simply posing for pictures and detailing what I'm wearing, which according to mum anyone can do, and let me tell you she is so right! My fashion posts not only bring fashion that is affordable and accessible to every woman but they also take into account the season’s hottest trends and how to work these trends. I do NOT want to pose with the newest items in my wardrobe and talk about how I got that purse from my boyfriend and the coat from the sales and how I love them both so freaking much; I do not want to be one more blogger that is doing that. Instead I want my blog's content to be better and different than anything else currently out there and that is something I will strive for even further this year. Only recently a mention was made that 2016 would be the fashion year for (read: 2015 Outfit Recap) and I can’t wait to sink my teeth into all of the fun I plan on having in upcoming fashion related posts.

This is on everybody’s list I'm sure so I will be brief: improve photos quality and learn more editing/photographing techniques. I'm pretty basic when it comes to all of these, so I would love to take a photography related course and have a few more tricks up my sleeve. Would very much enjoy also having at least one professional photoshoot done this year for the blog/upcoming wedding, which will eventually be shared here too.

Not referring about the number of followers I'm hoping to gain; I write my blog to share a passion so growth refers to both blog content growth and me as a person and a blogger. I hope I can reach more people out there with what I have to say, “meet” more bloggers with the same interests, work with both smaller and bigger brands, as well as come out of my shell and attend a few blogger events. 

Give Back
Giving back to the blogging community and my readers is something I truly enjoying doing and, besides who doesn't love a good giveaway?! I hope I can run at least 5 or so giveaways throughout the year, although ideally I would want to hold one every month, and who knows, maybe smaller ones for 12 days of Christmas. This is my way of thanking you for all the comments and love I receive every day, both here and across other platforms.

Tell me, what are your blogging resolutions? Are they similar to mine? Let me know below!
Thanks for reading beauties and have a nice weekend ahead!



  1. I absolutely love all of this! It's never too late for resolutions. I couldn't agree more with your goals, especially in regards to creativity and growth. I think it's such a gift to be able to make beautiful content, and to be able to stand out is just out of this world. The blogosphere is a wonderful community and I find it a true blessing to be involved! Wishing you the best of luck in 2016.

    xx Chaereen | Inspinkle

  2. Good luck with all of these hun! I absolutely love your blog and I always find your posts entertaining, so I`m hoping in the future more people will discover your blog and enjoy it just as much as I do.

  3. Pam, I'm loving these resolutions. That last one is absolutely gorgeous, and I'll be honest; I've not seen that on anyone's resolutions yet. To give back is one of the best things anyone can do and I think you've got such a beautiful heart to make this one of your resolutions.

    Cheers to creativity! I struggled with finding a niche early last year but have come to a creative level I'm pretty proud of. Good luck to you with that, Pam, and good luck for everything else on the list.


    x May | THE MAYDEN | bloglovin'

  4. These are all really great resolutions! I'm sure you'll do amazing with all of them :)

    Renee | Lose the Road

  5. Great resolutions! Wishing you the greatest year ahead!

  6. Great goals, goodluck Pam.

  7. Great goals, goodluck Pam.

  8. I love your goals :) They're quite modest, to be honest :) Especially for the blog like yours :) I hope it will all come true for you xx

  9. these are great blog gals xxo

  10. I loved the creativity part the most! I am trying to break out of the fashion blogger mold as well, and I found it to be quite tough. I really like some of your ideas, and you really touched upon some good fashion blogger pet peeves. Looking forward to checking out some of your newer content in 2016!

    Denise | Fashion Love Letters

  11. Great blogging resolutions, I loved reading these.

    Anything & Everything | Bloglovin'

  12. While I didn't have a lovely blog post like you, I have made it a mental point to make this year matter 100% for my blog. I've started it off on a good note, but I just want to keep rocking it and makes sure I am doing the MOST I can!

  13. These are amazing goals, Pam! Have a wonderful 2016 x


  14. Those are lovely goals. I think it's really hard to make a blog special & not having the content every other blog has. I wish you (& your blog ^^) all the best for 2016 ♥
    Nati xx

    1. I totally agree! Hard but not impossible :D thanks for the comment xxx

  15. I love posts like this. Also great goals, hope you achieve them!
    Alicia x

  16. These are lovely goals, Pam and I adore you as a blogger more after reading this. I have long been a fan of bloggers who write beautifully instead of showcasing the latest, newest things all the time. Let's be real, 99% of us wear/use the same thing again and again so any blogger who does that not only show his/her creative streaks but I could also relate to. xx

    Reflection of Sanity | StayLean Tea Australia Giveaway

  17. Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  18. Good luck with your resolutions Pam! Photography is definitely top of my list!

    Danielle's Beauty Blog

  19. Very smart resolutions Pam :-) I'm thinking to take some time off of blogging soon , because I start to treat this as a duty...

  20. i'd love to meet more bloggers. its just nice to chat with people who share the same interests. your blog is amazing and i wish you all the best for 2016.

  21. These are all wonderful goals! Happy New Year, Pam! <3

    xo, Liz

  22. ey there
    The truth I have not raised any resolution, just keep doing what I love, I think like you do not want to be the typical walking taught me to buy or not, just be as I am without poses, perhaps a little is not estarme concerned if my solciales networks have more followers or not, if you come to me because they really like what I muesto.

    Likewise I liked your purposes

    Happy New Year

    xx L.


  23. Definitely want to improve my photography skills too!

  24. I feel like our blogging resolutions are pretty similar - but because I've just really began, I want to post amazing content, something I'll enjoy, I want to share my passion and grow as I go. I also want to better my photography. And I want to give back too, I just don't have the means to yet!

    First I want to change to wordpress, buy the theme I've been wanting for a while, and buy my domain! Those are my next blogging goals, hopefully in a few months I can do it.

    Loved reading this and I know you're gonna acomplish all of these, I'm already seeing you more often on twitter!

    Ella Pinto xx

  25. great post :)
    have a nice weekend!

  26. Whether you're a person who blogs for fun or for creative business this can be next challenge for this year. Keep up!

  27. You are such a wonderful and inspiring blogger Pam! I'm honestly in awe with how quickly you've latched onto the blogging spirit and how professional you've started this space off as. I'm quite jealous actually, lol my blog took FOREVER before I finally started paying it more attention and high quality content. But my goal is to find that spark of again in bringing top notch posts that are truly inspired!
    Cheers to the new year and your goals! <3

    The Dragonfruit Diaries

  28. I love your photography resolution! I want to improve on my photography so much this year and this has really inspired me too! Amazing post xxxx

  29. I am sure you will achieve these easily,I love reading your blog and I am sure lots of other people do too

    Lauren x |

  30. Lovely post! I hope you achieve all this and more in 2016!

  31. Great resolutions, you know I love your posts so I'm looking forward to even better ones!

    Yousra | Mystic Tales

  32. Giving back is such a beautiful thing. I actually want to start doing random giveaways. Nice post!


  33. I love that you set yourself apart, it shows that you truly care about your audience! I'm with you on wanting to take a photography course of some sort!

    Good luck this year! xx

    Rhenicia | Beauty By Rhenicia

  34. I love the way you do your outfit posts! It's a lot more interesting than just listing out what you're wearing with/who got it for you/where you got it from/etc. I like that I can learn more about you from the way you write - keep it up! Good luck with the photography - it's something I picked up out of wanting to have better blog photos but I can honestly now say it's one of my favorite hobbies.

    becky ♡ star violet

  35. Amazing pics!!!Now i follow you on gfc i hope you follow me too!!!Happy new year!!

  36. Of all the resolutions I've read including mine. Yours was mist perfect! You're mom was right, blog isn't just about followers but the content and your love for it!

  37. great post and resolution ! :)
    please follow my blog : THE COLORFUL THOUGHTS

  38. Good luck with all your resolutions, Pam! I love what you say about creativity and doing something different :) xx


  39. I really love you :) Happy New Year!

    Can you follow me? I follow you :)
    If you comment my post, I will comment your five posts! :)

  40. I totally agree with you, great goals! I have different perspective this year too! Gorgeous photos btw and love your profile picture xx

  41. Wishing you all the best of luck with your goals and resolutions sweetheart! Sending you positive vibes! xxxxx

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I love how everyone is blogging about their goals. I think we can all improve upon something.
    - Amanda Shuman,

  44. Love these! I love looking at everyones blog goals!

  45. What a beautiful post, Pam. And you're such an amazing person who actually cares about us and wants to give back to their community which is incredible. 2016 should be about what you want it to be, and it's clear you want to be focused on blogging.

    You and I have similar blogging goals, growth and creativity and photography being a few of them. So I wish you luck and have a smooth year ahead of you <3

    xx Bash | H E Y   B A S H | bloglovin'

  46. Temos muitas resoluções em comum, no que toca ao blog! Também quero imenso melhorar a quelidade das fotografias e edição das mesmas, é um aspeto muito importante :)
    Messy Hair, Don’t Care | Giveaway Zara 25€ Gift Card

  47. Great Resolutions! Mine are similar; I definitely plan on running more giveaways this year and I'm trying to be more social and possibly attend a bloggers event. Good luck with them! xx

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  48. This is different kind of resolution and I learned a lot from it! Thanks Pam for sharing! Thanks for commenting on Qing's Style. I hope you keep in touch!
    Qing's Style

  49. Great resolutions dear! I've already made some decisions as well with my blog,for example doing photos not just on streets but doing them in woods,in some old abandoned places :)
    I hope you'll be creative in this year as much as you want to!


  50. I think you blog is pretty awesome. :)
    I just followed on bloglovin!

  51. These are great resolutions. I have never seen your last one on others' posts yet. It's so nice to hear just how much you are willing to give back to your readers. Happy new year, Pam!

    Love, Richel | Richel Goes Places

  52. Já senti o que escreveste na parte da criatividade. Eu também não queria ser 'mais uma blogger de moda'. Queria que o meu blog trouxesse algo de diferente! :)
    Acho que estou no bom caminho :p
    Espero que alcances os teus objectivos! :)
    beijinhos, Ana

    The Insomniac Owl Blog

  53. You have some great resolutions :-) I hope you achieve them!

  54. I like your Blogging resolutions! :)

  55. Love this post... I like your Blogging resolutions!!!!Kisses

  56. These are some amazing resolutions and I love the way you think of your blog and what you have planned. I hope you achieve everything you wish for and more lovely, because you deserve it :) x

    Beauty with charm

  57. I hope you achieve all your goals Pam! Your blog is amazing so I can't wait to see what 2016 brings for you

  58. Love these! They sound quite similar to mine.. Especially photography! It's my mission to improve this year :) xx

    Gemma | ❤️

  59. These are all such lovely resolutions, Pam. I'm convinced you will achieve them during this year. Learning more about photography and editing is also a must for me in 2016. Overall I think we have similar resolutions, actaully!
    I'm happy I stumbled across your blog last year and I can't wait to see what you'll be sharing with us this year! <3

  60. wishing you good luck on your resolutions <3 they all sound really good and I hope that 2016 will be a amazing and fabulous year for you hun <3

  61. Great resolutions hun! Photoshop is really easy to use, especially with tutorials from "Phlearn," on youtube. And if you decide to try out photoshop actions, I highly recommend using bundles from Greater Than Gatsby! Their Innocence and Three Nails Collections are my favorite. Let me know if you need any help with learning anything! I am not a professional, but I do know quite a bit about editing photography :)

    xo, mikéla /

  62. Hi Pam,
    I've just discovered your page and I have just fallen in love!

    I'm very new to blogging ( my blogging resolution would be:
    1. To share my love and passion with a wide range of people
    2. Post a blog atleast once a week
    3. Expand and make my blog and make it as appealing as possible.
    4. I was always put down about blogging 'who cares about what you think, no one would read it' I want to prove everyone wrong!
    5. My blog is about being trendy but it's not about spending a fortune in doing it. It's finding new ways to recreate and putting my own touch to it. I want to show females out there that it's not important to buy everything from highend stores! I want that to come across on my blog


Thank you for commenting! In return, I am happy to check your blog so make sure you leave your link below but please NO SPAM and NO FOLLOW FOR FOLLOW, ok?! Thanks for the visit beauties, Pam Scalfi♥

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